Stephen Ministers
Lay persons equipped to provide one-on-one Christian care to the individuals in our community who are experiencing crisis or difficult life situations
Grief Share
A support group for those who have experienced the loss of a spouse or a close relationship through death
A support group for cancer patients, their caregivers, and those who are post-cancer
Prayer Ministry
Prayer line, prayer ministers, and prayer teams support the prayer needs across all Grace Chapel campuses.
Pathways to Parenthood
A support ministry for anyone who is encountering difficulties on their journey to parenthood
Nursing Home Ministry
Outreach programs to nursing homes in Lexington and for those who would like one-to-one visitations
Homebound Ministry
One-to-one visits to a person who is either homebound. We provide Christian fellowship and encouragement while reading, listening, and engaging with someone who needs it.
Food Bank
Our Food Bank is located in the Lower Lobby of 59 Worthen Road and will open on pre-set dates. Food donations are being accepted, but please reference the donation list.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christian recovery ministry for anyone dealing with hurts, habits, and hang-ups that are keeping them from discovering and living God's best plan for their life.
First Place for Health
First Place for Health is a 12-week support group for anyone looking to take their first steps towards sustained healthier living. Diet, exercise, and improved habits all in the context of Bible Study. For more info, contact Marilyn Bullock
Benevolence Fund
Grace Chapel established the Benevolence Fund to exemplify God’s love through the financial support of local individuals and families of Grace Chapel who may find themselves in financial hardship.