
Sunday Worship Services

9:00am, 9am Courtyard, 11:00am


59 Worthen Rd
Lexington, MA 02421





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am


128 West St
Wilmington, MA 01887





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am 


525 Main St
Watertown, MA 02472





Sunday Worship Services:



115 Mechanic St
Foxboro, MA 02035





Sundays Online

Live at 9:15am, On-demand all day




Church is ONLINE ONLY Sunday, 2/9/2025. Buildings will reopen for ministry activities at 2pm.

Become a Member

Why Church Membership?

Why Not? In the same way joining an exercise class helps us be committed to improving physical health, joining a local church helps us be accountable to improving spiritual health by regular attendance and active engagement, becoming better together.

Why Not? In the same way people join organizations to make a difference in their community, joining the church opens countless opportunities to serve alongside mission and community partners, making a significant difference on a regional and global scale, serving better, together.

Why Not? As Americans, we are tempted to be self-sufficient, independent, and pretend we do not need anyone else. But when we let go of that exhausting façade and link arms with one another, encourage, support, and pray for one another, we experience how we are better together.

 We are the church. We are Grace Chapel. And we follow Jesus better, together.

How to become a member of Grace Chapel

You can become a Grace Chapel member by investing 3 hours in the membership process. There are three required steps to complete your membership process. 

  1. Attend Explore Membership (60 minutes) - a fun online experience with people from all of our campuses learning more about Grace Chapel and answering your questions about membership and baptism. A great introduction to this unique community, and there will be prizes! Sign up using the registration form below. 
  2. Upcoming Explore Membership Schedule:
    • Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at 7:30pm, online via zoom.
    • Thursday, April 3, 2025, at 7:30 pm, online via zoom.
  3. Complete a membership application at the bottom of this page. It takes about 20-30 minutes, one application per person.

  4. Campus Gatherings will gather on your campus soon after Explore Membership, for in-person learning: get to know your campus pastor, one another, and dig deeper into what it means to be a member of Grace Chapel. Those who have completed their applications will be able to have individual/couple conversations with other members of your campus.
    Upcoming Campus Gathering Schedule:
    • Sunday, February 2, 2025, (time and location determined by Campus)
    • Sunday, April 13, 2025, (time and location determined by Campus)
    If you need to be, or are interested in being baptized, more information can be found at www.grace.org/baptism

Thank you for your interest in membership at Grace Chapel. If you have any questions, please email   or call 781-862-8351 x160.

Membership Class Sign-Up

Which class are you attending?*


I thank God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. (Philippians 1:3-5)

We see our Grace Chapel members as true partners in the ministry and we appreciate your desire to partner with us in that way. This application is an important step in the process. Thank you for providing us with this information.