
Sunday Worship Services

9:00am, 9am Courtyard, 11:00am


59 Worthen Rd
Lexington, MA 02421





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am


128 West St
Wilmington, MA 01887





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am 


525 Main St
Watertown, MA 02472





Sunday Worship Services:



115 Mechanic St
Foxboro, MA 02035





Sundays Online

Live at 9:15am, On-demand all day




Church is ONLINE ONLY Sunday, 2/9/2025. Buildings will reopen for ministry activities at 2pm.

Student Ministry Discipleship

What is a Discipleship group?

Discipleship groups are an opportunity to take another step in continuing to discover and own your relationship with Jesus. Discipleship groups will be 3-4 person peer-led groups that meet once every two weeks during a time that is convenient for the group. Each person in the group will rotate opportunities leading the discipleship group. The discipleship groups will go through a curriculum that not only goes deeper into Scripture but also helps build meaningful lasting relationships within the group.

Participation in a discipleship group is a requirement for CCLE participation. Discipleship group will also be a pathway for students to be a part of a leadership team pending their completion of the discipleship group. 
For more information on CCLE's click here.

Discipleship Commitment

Because the Discipleship Groups will be run on each campus this year, the commitment might look slightly different for each campus. Please see your campus discipleship commitment and contact your campus director directly if you have any questions. 

East Lexington

  1. Attend all one-hour, bi-weekly discipleship group meetings. Discipleship group begins on the week of 2/20 and will go through the week of 6/12. We will meet every other Sunday, in person at 9am, or bi-weekly on a weeknight on Zoom. Students who participate in discipleship will make a group decision about which option is preferred.
  2. Facilitate the discussion 1-3 times (dependent on group size) and meet with Akash before the week that you are leading.
  3. Prepare for group meetings by spending time in prayer and by reading the whole Gospel of Luke once between each discipleship group meeting. (Our group will be studying Luke this Winter/Spring)
  4. Contribute to a climate of honesty and personal vulnerability in a spirit of mutual up-building, and maintain strict confidentiality in order to foster trust.
  5. Offer myself fully to the Lord with the anticipation that I am entering a time of accelerated spiritual growth during this discipleship period.
  6. Must complete all 9 meetings in order to participate in the CCLE program this Summer*.

For more information or questions contact Akash Ahuja at
*Contact Akash to discuss on a case by case basis if you need to miss a meeting.


  1. Meet online bi-weekly with my discipleship partners for approximately an hour to 90min to dialogue over the content.
  2. Facilitate the dialogue 2-3 times and attend the corresponding training meetings Sundays during service (this may be once a month or every 6 weeks for me).
  3. Contribute to a climate of honesty and personal vulnerability in a spirit of mutual up-building, and maintain strict confidentiality in order to foster trust.
  4. Offer myself fully to the Lord with the anticipation that I am entering a time of accelerated spiritual growth during this discipleship period.
  5. Must complete all 7 meetings in order to participate in the CCLE program this Summer*.

For more information or questions contact Blaire Jenkins at
*Contact Blaire to discuss on a case by case basis if you need to miss a meeting.


  1. Meet online bi-weekly with my disciples partners for approximately one and one-half hours to dialogue over the content of the assignments.
  2. Facilitate the dialogue 2-3 times and attend those training meetings on the corresponding weeknight at 7 pm.
  3. Contribute to a climate of honesty and personal vulnerability in a spirit of mutual up-building, and maintain strict confidentiality in order to foster trust.
  4. Offer myself fully to the Lord with the anticipation that I am entering a time of accelerated spiritual growth during this discipleship period.
  5. Must complete all meetings (up to 10) in order to participate in the CCLE program this Summer*.

For more information or questions contact Jon Kim at .  
*Contact Jon to discuss on a case by case basis if you need to miss a meeting.


  1. Meet bi-weekly with my discipleship partners for approximately one and one-half hours to dialogue over the content of the assignments.
  2. Facilitate the dialogue 2-3 times and attend those training meetings on the corresponding weeknight (night to be determined)
  3. Contribute to a climate of honesty and personal vulnerability in a spirit of mutual up-building, and maintain strict confidentiality in order to foster trust.
  4. Offer myself fully to the Lord with the anticipation that I am entering a time of accelerated spiritual growth during this discipleship period.
  5. Must complete all 10 meetings in order to participate in the CCLE program this Summer*.

For more information or questions contact Meagan Kenny at .
*Contact Meagan to discuss on a case by case basis if you need to miss a meeting.


  1. Meet online bi-weekly with my disciples partners for approximately one and one-half hours to dialogue over the content of the assignments.
  2. Facilitate the dialogue 2-3 times and attend those training meetings on the corresponding Thursday night at 7 pm.
  3. Contribute to a climate of honesty and personal vulnerability in a spirit of mutual up-building, and maintain strict confidentiality in order to foster trust.
  4. Offer myself fully to the Lord with the anticipation that I am entering a time of accelerated spiritual growth during this discipleship period.
  5. Must complete all 10 meetings in order to participate in the CCLE program this Summer*.

For more information or questions contact Victor Matos at .
*Contact Victor to discuss on a case by case basis if you need to miss a meeting.


Application deadline is February 13. Use the following button to fill out the Discipleship Application:

Discipleship & CCLE Application