How to use this guide:
Studying Scripture and Christian teaching in community is a needed element in our personal transformation and how groups become closer relationally and stronger spiritually.
Truth is, it takes more than the selection of a study. Healthy groups are creating an environment to learn content, to glean from one another, to be curious and wonder, and to search and pray. We pray that each of our groups has a vibrant spiritual culture where the Holy Spirit is invited to be at work.
Further, changing up the “medium” of study is an important factor in leading effective studies. Meaning, one series could be a book study, another could be video based, another could be curriculum based, another could be the inductive Bible study guides. You will want to change the medium, and consider rotating teachers, if those gifts exist in your group.
Our vision for group life is “people who gather in community practicing the way of Jesus.” Our resource list reflects three core values of group life that we believe cultivates practicing the way of Jesus. These include: Spiritual Formation, Missional Living, and Strengthening Relationships.
Most of these studies require minimum financial purchase; our video-based ones from RightNow Media only require a free account that you can set-up here.