
Sunday Worship Services

9:00am, 9am Courtyard, 11:00am


59 Worthen Rd
Lexington, MA 02421





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am


128 West St
Wilmington, MA 01887





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am 


525 Main St
Watertown, MA 02472





Sunday Worship Services:



115 Mechanic St
Foxboro, MA 02035





Sundays Online

Live at 9:15am, On-demand all day




Church is ONLINE ONLY Sunday, 2/9/2025. Buildings will reopen for ministry activities at 2pm.

Global Awareness Week 2024: UNREASONABLE JOY

Have you ever encountered someone who lives with joy even when they’re struggling, suffering, or facing hopeless circumstances? Someone with an inner peace and strength that you just can’t explain?

There’s a mystery to the relationship between joy and suffering: it’s paradoxical that the presence of Jesus is especially close to believers in the darkest times. Are they being naïve? Or irrational? Or… unreasonable?

Global Awareness Week is an opportunity to take inspiration from the way our global and regional ministry partners live. Not just to experience more joy in our own lives, but to use that joy to encourage and support others. 

On Sunday, November 3rd we’ll hear from our keynote speaker, Dr. Eun Ah Cho, Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies and Dean of the Gordon-Conwell Institute. And throughout the week, we’ll hear inspiring stories from our Global and Regional Partners.

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Eun Ah Cho (Keynote Speaker)

Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies, Dean of the Gordon-Conwell Institute.

Dr. Cho comes from the School of Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary where she was Assistant Professor of Intercultural Leadership. She had been teaching in both the Korean and English language programs. Previously Dr. Cho taught in Korea at the Asian Center for Theological Studies and Mission where she taught intercultural studies and the Bible and Christian mission.

Prior to that, Dr. Cho and her husband trained new Christian leaders and planted a multicultural church in Kokshetau, Kazakhstan. In this context she used Russian, Korean and English languages.

Visiting Partners

Paul Beech

Keys Connections

Paul is the Partner Development Director for Keys Connections. For the past 25 years, "Keys" has worked in the Post Soviet World developing the University of Divine Grace, in Moldova, as well as satellite schools dispersed throughout Eurasia. The goal is to biblically train and send workers to preach Jesus. Our focus includes networking with graduates as they serve in Moldova, Ukraine, Central Asia and beyond.

Todd & Leslie Englesen

Peer Servants

Leslie and Todd Engelsen are two of the leaders in PEER Servants, a global community of hundreds of volunteers supporting a network of local Christian organizations in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Americas who are extending the kingdom through programs in microfinance, education, youth empowerment, healthcare, and food/water security serving tens of thousands of materially poor families. They have an adopted South Sudanese daughter, Ayak, whose family now lives in Alberta, Canada.

Leonard & Usha Fernando

Youth for Christ, Sri Lanka

Leonard Fernando, National Director of Youth for Christ (YFC) Sri Lanka since 2011. His journey with YFC began in 1990, when he encountered Christ through YFC ministry. Despite a successful business career, Leonard felt called to full-time ministry and left the corporate world to follow this path. A former football player, he has significantly expanded YFC’s outreach by integrating sports ministry, pioneer evangelism, church partnerships, and support for displaced communities. Leonard's wife, Usha, is a dedicated lawyer who also serves as YFC’s legal advisor. Our children: Jason (24), Shane (20), Chris (18), and Neorah (16).

Jeff & Judy Heath

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Jeff & Judy Heath serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators in the central African country of Chad. As a Translation Consultant, Judy verifies the accuracy of translated Scripture and trains and mentors Chadian Bible translators and consultants. Jeff is a Language Technology Consultant who empowers people to use the amazing technology available to improve the speed and accuracy of translation and language work, and encourages and mentors Africans throughout French-speaking Africa to do the same.

Bill Henson

Posture Shift

Bill and Kang Henson met, married, and raised their kids at Grace Chapel. Anna (24) is a registered nurse in Alabama. Andrew (21) is a junior at University of Arkansas. Bill is founder and president of Posture Shift Ministries, a para-church organization that specializes in training evangelical church leaders on LGBT+ engagement and care. He is also author of Guiding Families, a comprehensive best-practices care plan for parents and families of LGBT+ loved ones.

Beth Kidd

Place of Promise

Called to be a “missionary nurse” in urban America, Beth’s care for those who have experienced “multiple injuries” demonstrates Christ’s love to many who have been forgotten or given up on. She’s the founding director of Place of Promise, a Christian residential program in Lowell. She’s been on the streets and has visited incarcerated individuals for over 48 years.

Matt Kiel

Place of Promise

Matt serves as the Director of Ministry at Place of Promise: a Christ-centered residential recovery program for those who are multiply injured (addiction, mental illness, trauma, etc.). We believe no one is too broken, hurt, or sinful for Jesus to save and make new! Matt works with the adult residential and kids of promise program, staff, volunteers, and partner churches. He grew up outside of Boston, and lives in southern New Hampshire.

Paul Malkemes

Boston Project

Boston Project Ministries is a Christian community development organization that equips neighbors, volunteers, and churches to build strong communities characterized by God’s shalom. For the past 28 years, Paul & Glenna Malkemes and their family have lived in a Neighborhood Ministry House in Dorchester, which neighbors of all ages use as a safe haven, gathering place, resource center, youth hub, and centralized location for community organizing. Loving God and loving our neighbor is our heartbeat.

Liz & Suneel



GAW Special Offering

Escalating conflict across the Middle East has precipitated yet another humanitarian crisis. On September 23, 2024, Israeli forces launched an extensive attack on Hezbollah military assets in Lebanon, resulting in the death of hundreds of Lebanese civilians, including 50 children, and injuring another 2,000 people. More than 90,000 men, women and children have been driven from their homes in southern Lebanon, some of whom are Christians. This is adding to the millions already displaced in the region. The violence continues to affect communities on both sides of the border, causing widespread humanitarian concerns.

While dealing with immense challenges, our ministry partners are serving those in need by opening their homes, churches and facilities to provide shelter, along with relief, medicines, counseling and pastoral care. This year, our special GAW offering will support Cedar Home, World Relief, and the Resurrection Church Beirut, where our partners, Karim and Rita Anayssi worship and serve.

A partner writes, “Your prayers and support are a lifeline to us. We are in a perfect storm that might destroy our country completely, but that could also transform our country for Jesus. Our churches are in emergency mode, trying to respond and help.”

You can give our website or through our app. Simply select your home campus and then select "GAW" from the "Fund" field on the giving page. If you write a check, please note “GAW” in the memo line or on the envelope. Contributions can also be made during the service or placed in the offering boxes in the lobby. This special offering is above and beyond your regular support of Grace Chapel. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
