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Lexington, MA 02421





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128 West St
Wilmington, MA 01887





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9:15am, 11:00am 


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Watertown, MA 02472





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Foxboro, MA 02035





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Global Awareness Week 2023

A World on the Move

November 2-8, 2023

Welcome to Global Awareness Week 2023, our annual opportunity to learn more about God’s kingdom building work globally and locally! Our theme is “A World on the Move.” In Genesis 12:1, “The Lord said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.’” In the Scriptures and in human history, people are on the move. Today, more people than ever live in a country other than the one in which they were born. (UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs). Human migration, diaspora has become a major, global megatrend. This is reshaping societies, economies, nations and even churches. Amid this human migration, God is on the move. People in transition provide a strategic opportunity for us to love and serve our newly arrived neighbors as Jesus’ hands and feet. God is going places. Let’s take the gospel with us and go! 

Keynote Speaker - GAW Sunday

Dr. Sam George
Global Diaspora Institute

Our keynote speaker for GAW Sunday (November 5th) is Dr. Sam George, director of the Global Diaspora Institute at Wheaton College and the Lausanne Catalyst for Diasporas. Born in the Andaman Islands (India) to Christian parents with the heritage of St. Thomas Christians of Kerala, Sam had a life-changing personal encounter with Jesus at the age of 15. He speaks 5 languages and has lived in 5 different countries and travels widely around the world.

His early education was in engineering and business, working in the engineering and software technology sector for a decade in Asia and the US. Later he studied at two seminaries and pioneered two family mission organizations. Sam received his PhD in the UK and serves as a global catalyst of the Lausanne movement. He’s authored or edited a dozen books.

The Lord said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

~Genesis 12:1

Visiting Partners

Vitalie Fedula
Jesus Savior Church Moldova

Our long-term ministry partner and sister church in Chisinau, Moldova, Jesus Savior Church and Pastor Vitalie Fedula have been providing accommodation to Ukrainian refugees through church families and in the church building itself. Sunday school rooms have been repurposed into simple dorm facilities. The church is providing shelter, personal hygiene supplies, 3 warm meals a day and safety for Ukrainians refugees.

Kiran Sharma
Nepal Ebenezer Theological Seminary

Kiran Sharma has served as the Principal of Nepal Ebenezer Theological Seminary (NETS) since 2019. His desire, vision and prayer is to train and equip emerging young leaders for Christian ministry. He and his wife, Deepika, have two sons, Yohan (5 years old) and Amulya (1 year old). According to Kiran, "Through my life journey I have learned to stand in the time of difficulties and challenges. I have always felt that God is standing next to me all the time."

Claire Sullivan
Youth With a Mission Thailand

The mission of YWAM Thailand and Global is to “Know God and Make Him Known.” Claire has been pioneering ministries to the homeless and incarcerated youth in Greater Boston and the city of Lynn since 1990. In 2009, Claire met Grace Chapel partners Pat and Sam Sarvis at a GAW conference. Since then, she has volunteered with them and was introduced to a ministry in Rakteh, an eight-block slum area in Bangkok. Claire began volunteering in Rakteh and with the Thomburi Deaf Church, working with asylum seekers, homeless and those with substance use disorders--all the while not knowing the Lord himself was preparing her for the “Big Go.” In 2016 Claire heard the call to YWAM Thailand. At age 60, she moved to Bangkok and into an area of high-level, well-protected warehoused prostitution. Claire continues to serve with a team at Rakteh with a stronger focus on reaching women who are sex workers.

Lauren & Seth Vitrano-Wilson
Horizons International

Seth and Lauren Vitrano-Wilson have served in Thailand since 2010. Seth helps language groups with no writing decide how they want to write their language down—a first step in Bible translation. He also consults on Bible translation projects in the Middle East. Lauren coaches missionaries on how to learn languages and cultures. She also serves with the Family Connection Foundation, which cares for Thai women and children in difficult family situations.

Sarah Blumenshine
Emmanuel Gospel Center

Sarah’s work at Emmanuel Gospel Center focuses on refugees, migration and immigration. She is especially interested in how churches can assist immigrant leaders in ways that are mutually honoring and fruitful. Recently she’s had the pleasure of supporting Grace Chapel volunteers and staff as they welcomed Afghan arrivals, and also in Grace’s engagement of community-based organizations for COVID relief. Sarah lives in Salem, MA with her husband Josh and their dog, Hobbes.

International Students Inc.

Steve joined ISI in 1990 and now serves as a City Director in a key northeast city, leading ministry among international students, scholars, and their families. Steve and his wife Natasha have three grown children and a granddaughter.

Additional Visiting Partners

Due to safety and security concerns we cannot publicize some of the visiting partners who will be at Global Awareness Week 2023 at Grace Chapel. Come out for the events listed above to hear from these important partners who are doing incredible work across the globe.

Special Offering

In keeping with the theme of this year’s conference, “A World on the Move,” our special GAW offering will allow us to come alongside two partners who are directly responding to needs created by migration.

  • Jesus Savior Church in Chisinau, Moldova. Under pastor Vitalie Fedula’s leadership, the doors of the church are open to welcome and host Ukrainians fleeing the war. Our offering will help defray some of their ongoing costs in this critical ministry of welcome. 
  • The Emmanuel Gospel Center in Boston works in refugee and migrant resettlement throughout our Commonwealth. Our partner, Sarah Blumenshine assists and trains local churches like ours to develop mutual and fruitful relationships with our new migrant and refugee neighbors.

You can give online at grace.org/give or through our app. If you’d like to write a check, please write “GAW” in the memo line or on the outside of an envelope. You can give during the offering moment in the service or use one of the offering boxes in the lobby.  Please remember, this is a special offering gift which is above and beyond your regular financial support of Grace Chapel. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

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