
Sunday Worship Services

9:00am, 9am Courtyard, 11:00am


59 Worthen Rd
Lexington, MA 02421





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am


128 West St
Wilmington, MA 01887





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am 


525 Main St
Watertown, MA 02472





Sunday Worship Services:



115 Mechanic St
Foxboro, MA 02035





Sundays Online

Live at 9:15am, On-demand all day




Church is ONLINE ONLY Sunday, 2/9/2025. Buildings will reopen for ministry activities at 2pm.

Lent & Easter at Grace Chapel

Nothing sparks celebration quite like a life changing milestone. And for Christians, Easter stands alone as the moment that flipped history on its head. Sin and darkness was defeated by Christ's life, death, and resurrection.

But how did this unparalleled triumph actually happen? Not by displays of strength or power you might expect. This ultimate victory emerged from unbelievable surrender, sacrifice, and forgiveness. 

This Easter, we celebrate the humble road of radical love that led our Savior to conquer the powers of evil, sin, and death, forever.

Celebrate Easter with Grace Chapel!

Grace Chapel invites you to join us for our beautiful, inspiring Easter services. We are excited to celebrate this special time with you and your loved ones as we come together to reflect on the true meaning of Easter.
Our Easter services are designed to uplift and inspire. Our pastors and worship team have prepared a special service that will take you on a journey through the Easter story.
The Easter season is a time of renewal and rebirth. It is a time to reflect on the love and sacrifice of Jesus. At Grace Chapel, we believe that the Easter message is one of hope and joy, and we invite you to come and experience it with us.
Whether you are looking for a traditional service or a more contemporary one, we have something for everyone. Our services are available in-person or online, so you can join us from anywhere in the world.

Celebrate Easter during one of our meaningful Easter Sunday services on March 31.

Join the campus location nearest you.

What to expect...

Thinking about visiting Grace Chapel for the first time, or the first time in a long time? Wherever you are on your faith journey, whatever your religious background, or if you've never been to church before, we promise you one thing: you will experience grace here

Our in-person worship services are a little over an hour long. Most Sundays, they include:

  • A time of singing. Sing along or just listen, it's up to you. 
  • An offering. Don't feel obliged to give your first Sunday!
  • A sermon. Our messages are usually about 30 minutes long, and are thought-provoking, inspiring, and relevant.
  • Opportunities to connect with people. Make sure to stop by the Welcome Center in each of our locations to learn more about short term and ongoing groups, ways to get involved in the life of our church, and our programs for kids and teens. 


Where do I go when I get there?

Each of our campuses have a Welcome Center off the main lobby, and a team of friendly, helpful volunteers who can direct you; just look for the folks with yellow lanyards. The sanctuary (main worship venue) at each campus opens up at least 10 minutes before the service begins, so feel free to head straight in if you'd like.

Can I attend if I'm______?

Fill in the blank with whatever fear you have about not being accepted: divorced, single parent, broke, addict, gay, transgender, atheist, skeptic, etc. When we say everyone is welcome here, that includes you! 

What should I wear?

We care about you, not your fashion sense. Jeans, shorts, (jean shorts if that's your style - rock on!), a suit and tie, or anything in between. Come as you are, whether it's your Sunday best or just the best you can do that day.

Special Events at Grace Chapel This Easter

There are a ton of great events happening at Grace Chapel locations this Lent & Easter season! Check out upcoming events below!

The Unlikely Kingdom

Holy Week Meditations

In the gospel of Mark, we read about an unlikely kingdom. Rumors of it drift from the wilderness into ordinary homes, streets, and communities across history—until this kingdom is among us, and yet we struggle to understand it, and to know our place within it.

This Holy Week, as we focus our minds and hearts on prayer, we’ll find our way to the only kingdom where love matters more than our efforts—and where the king will ultimately make the most unlikely sacrifice of all.

Subscribe to have The Unlikely Kingdom delivered to your inbox every day during Holy Week.


Read the released meditations here

Invite someone this Easter season!

It's the perfect time to share the life-changing love of Jesus.

With unique events and services for the whole family, there's no better time to invite a friend or family member to church than Easter. Use the buttons on the right of the page (or at the bottom if you're on a mobile device) to email this page with a friendly note, send it through Facebook Messenger, or share the page in a Facebook post.

Looking for some creative ideas for what to say? Check out the link below.