Child dedication is the first important milestone in a child’s faith. The Scriptures tell us that Jesus himself was presented to the Lord as a newborn child by his parents, Joseph and Mary. As he was presented, he received blessings from older believers in the family of faith, Simeon and Anna.
In the same way, we welcome parents to bring their children before the Lord in worship, reaffirming their own faith in Christ and their commitment to raise their children to know and love God. Like Simeon and Anna, the church family offers words of both welcome and blessing to these little ones, presented in gratitude to God.
The congregation commits to partnering with the parents as "faith parents," supporting them through the spiritual journey of parenthood.
Prior to dedicating a child, we ask the parents to attend a short Family Information Session, where our Kidstown staff will share what's involved in fulfilling the vows parents will take as primary faith parents. Info sessions will be held on various dates and times for each campus. Please register to find out when.
Child Dedications May 2025* (subject to change)
This spring, we will be having Child Dedications in May at Lexington, Watertown, Wilmington, and Foxboro. Please use the link below to fill out the registration form for your campus.
WilmingtonFoxboro Lexington Watertown
If you have any questions, email your campus Children's Ministry Director.
Foxboro - Meg Nelson
Lexington - Patti Lake
Watertown - Brad Fuller
Wilmington - Angela Rogers