June 30, 2023

During this time of transition, we ask that you join the Board of Elders, the Search Committee, and our Staff in prayer over the search for the next Senior Pastor of Grace Chapel.

Above all, we would love for you to pray that God’s will would be done through the entire process of finding a new Senior Pastor. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give everyone involved in this process wisdom, peace and unity. Pray that God will show us whom He is calling to Grace Chapel, as we bathe the process in prayer for God’s guidance.

Prayer is not just an opportunity to make requests from God, but to listen to what God might want for us during this season of transition. As you enter this new season at Grace Chapel and consider the significance of this moment, take time to work through these five movements of prayer.

Pray for the...

Preparation of the Heart

As you enter this season of transition at Grace Chapel, invite God to be at work in your spirit. Listen to His Spirit at work within you. 

  • What thoughts, feelings, hopes, joys, or anxieties are you experiencing?
  • Which of those things take up the greatest ‘space’ in your mind and heart?
  • What might this reveal to you about the condition of your soul or the work of God’s Spirit within you?
  • Is there an invitation you’re hearing from God in this?
  • What changes might come by saying ‘yes’ to this invitation?
  • What will you resolve to do during this season?
  • Who will you resolve to become?
Purposes of God

The mission of God is to bring healing and wholeness to a world that is beautiful yet broken.

He fulfills His mission through the redeeming work of Jesus, whose life, death and resurrection transforms individuals, communities, and all of creation. He has invited communities of Spirit-empowered followers of Jesus to join Him in his work. Each local church is an expression of Jesus and a people through whom God carries out His mission.

Grace Chapel’s expression of this mission looks like this: 

Our Mission

Grace Chapel's mission is to make and mobilize more disciples for Jesus Christ, in Greater Boston and beyond.

Our Vision

We strive to be a vibrant, growing, multicultural community of seekers and believers, discovering life with God for the good of the world.

Our Values

Vibrant Faith  •  Biblical Teaching  •  Multicultural Community  •  Generous Orthodoxy  •  Missional Heart  •  Cultural Engagement

Here are some ways to pray for God's purposes to be fulfilled through the search process:

  • Pray that God will use the people of Grace in the fulfilling of His mission to further the Gospel message and to be people of peace and healing in a broken world.
  • Pray that the Lord leads someone whose life and calling resonates with Grace Chapel’s mission, vision and values.
  • As we search for a new Pastor, pray that our commitment to these purposes deepens. 
People of Grace

One of the opportunities a season like this offers to a church, is to be reminded that every person matters and that the work of the church is the collective work involving each one of us. With that in mind:

  • Pray for strong consistency and focus on the ministries of our church. Pray that there will be a season of fruitful ministry as the church prepares for our next senior pastor;
  • Pray that Grace Chapel will to seek the Lord as we continue our vision to be a vibrant, growing, multicultural community of seekers and believers, discovering life with God for the good of the world.
  • Pray that we will continue with our mission to make and mobilize more disciples for Jesus Christ in Greater Boston and beyond.
  • Pray for patience, perseverance and trust. The search process can take time, but patience is a great teacher because it can produce growth and maturity (James 1:4). Pray for perseverance to follow the Lord’s timing for the process and trust in the Lord throughout the process.
  • Pray for unity. Pray that the Spirit of God would fill us with wisdom and insight to know and discern the will of God for our next senior pastor. Pray that we would be drawn closer to Jesus, to obey Him as the true head of the Church.
  • Some churches struggle with wanting a pastor who is like their previous pastor. Others desire someone who is just the opposite. Pray that all would be receptive to God doing a new thing in the congregation and accept His perfect will above our own desires. Pray that all church members will humbly set aside individual expectations for the new pastor and decide in unity who God has called to be our next Senior Pastor 
Person God’s calling

As we pray, plan and prepare for our next Senior pastor, we acknowledge that the Lord already knows who that person is, and we continue to pray for this person as we go through this process. 

  • Pray that they will have a passion to continue the work the Lord is doing at Grace Chapel and that they will be excited about the opportunities here. 
  • Pray that the new pastor will have a clear vision for how to minister to the people of Grace Chapel and the surrounding community.
  • Pray that the Lord will continue to use them where they are, as they honor the Lord by proclaiming His Word and faithfully serving in their present ministry.
  • Pray for God’s strength and guidance in the pastor’s current church. Pray that those with whom he/she is currently ministering would trust God’s plan for them in leading them to a new location of ministry.
  • Pray that God, who knows each detail about each member of our pastor’s household, would give the members of their family strength as they consider leaving their current setting and going to a different church.
  • Pray that the new pastor and their family will be able to smoothly transition to our church and our community; that their physical needs such as housing, schooling, etc. will be more than satisfied; that if he/she has a family, they will adjust easily and find good friends quickly; and that the whole family will feel most welcomed here. 
Process of discernment

The Elders have launched a search team that will work in conjunction with Grace Chapel staff, the congregation, and be supported by Vanderbloemen, a professional search firm that will provide us with a consultant for support and expertise.

  • Pray for the Elders and search committee as they do their work.
  • Pray that our commitment to the task will stay strong and that they will be timely in the way that they accomplish each of their responsibilities. 
  • Pray for a hedge of protection around the committee and their families.
  • Pray they will work together in a way that demonstrates love and honors all the members’ input. 
  • Pray for strong unity in the process. Pray that the Pastor Search Committee will seek God’s will for the church above their own desires.
  • Pray that they would continue to seek God in every aspect and that each of the elders and each member of the search committee will seek the Lord’s help. 
  • Pray for God’s clear direction in how resumes are examined, and interviews conducted.
  • Ask God to bring the right person to the attention of the committee.
  • Pray for the Search Committee to have God’s wisdom in all the questions and information they share with the prospective pastor.
  • Pray for the committee to have wisdom and discernment as to the unique characteristics, traits and gifts most needed for our body in a pastor.
  • Pray that their choices will reflect Godly wisdom. That we will be sensitive to the direction of the Lord as we look at potential candidates and make final recommendations to the elders and then to the congregation.

Tags: prayer, leadership, senior pastor search

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