
Sunday Worship Services

9:00am, 9am Courtyard, 11:00am


59 Worthen Rd
Lexington, MA 02421





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am


128 West St
Wilmington, MA 01887





Sunday Worship Services

9:15am, 11:00am 


525 Main St
Watertown, MA 02472





Sunday Worship Services:



115 Mechanic St
Foxboro, MA 02035





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Live at 9:15am, On-demand all day




Church is ONLINE ONLY Sunday, 2/9/2025. Buildings will reopen for ministry activities at 2pm.

3 Militia Drive

Information and details regarding the potential sale of our main office building

Vote Results

Voting on the proposed sale of our 3 Militia Drive office building occurred between Sunday, November 19, 2023 and Sunday, December 3, 2023. Needing a 2/3 majority of a quorum of voting members, the motion passed by a substantial margin. Detailed results below:

  • Total votes cast: 616
  • Yes votes: 597 (96.9%)
  • No votes: 19 (3.1%)

Unexpected Opportunity

In addition to our main building at 59 Worthen Road, Grace Chapel’s Lexington campus includes two additional buildings on nearby Militia Drive. Our 2 Militia Drive building is primarily used for ministry activity and rentals, and 3 Militia Drive consists of office space for both our Central and Lexington-based staff.

In response to recent zoning changes across Massachusetts, towns like Lexington are eager to develop buildings that include more affordable housing units. A group of developers who currently own 4 and 5 Militia Drive have presented a very compelling offer to purchase 3 Militia Drive from us. They are offering a premium price for the property – far more than it would be worth as a standalone building – because it greatly expands the footprint available for their multi-unit housing development. 

A Compelling Offer

This makes for a very compelling offer. We believe this is a unique financial opportunity that can provide Grace Chapel with sufficient capital to support a number of timely and strategic projects that will help us better serve our congregation and community. We’re also enthusiastic about the development of a large number of housing units so close to our largest worship venue!

The Elders, with the help of several real estate professionals in our congregation, have done due diligence on this opportunity and unanimously recommend that we go ahead with the sale of our #3 Militia Drive property. The negotiated sale price is $6.9 million dollars with a final move and exit date of February, 2026.

This recommendation isn’t being driven by financial need, but by the desire to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to our care in a changing world, and to shift from maintaining office buildings to maximizing our spaces for ministry. 

There is some urgency, as the potential buyer is eager to make their proposal to the Town of Lexington. The actual purchase won’t be finalized until February of 2025, but we need to sign a purchase and sale agreement early in December. The offer is contingent on a timely response from us as a congregation.

Overview & Timeline

As a congregationally-governed church, we need approval from the members of our congregation in order to proceed with this real estate transaction. This requires both a meeting open to all members, and a voting period that spans at least two weeks. With that in mind, here are the key dates in the process:

  • Sunday, October 29: Pastor Bryan’s announcement regarding the potential sale of 3 Militia Drive during our Sunday worship services
  • Sunday, November 12: Second in-service announcement and communication across all channels
  • Thursday, November 16 at 7pm: Special Congregational meeting (on Zoom) reviewing building sale - View Recording
  • Sunday, November 19: Member voting begins
  • Sunday, November 26: Member voting continues
  • Sunday, December 3: Final member voting day
  • Wednesday, December 6: Voting results tallied and announced

All members will receive their electronic ballot via email prior to November 19. Voting will be done electronically, with paper ballots  available at all campuses for those who require them (the same process we use for our Annual Meeting vote every June). 

We’ll continue to update this landing page and our app with any new information should it become available.

Have questions about the sale of 3 Militia Drive? See our Frequently Asked Questions below.

Special Congregational Meeting

On November 16th we held a Special Congregational Meeting via Zoom. You can view the recording below.


What makes this opportunity so compelling?
  • In a word, timeliness. The development group is actively engaging with the Town of Lexington to help meet requirements for more affordable housing that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has put in place for all local towns with MBTA support.
  • We believe that the compelling offer before us is significantly higher because of the unique value of our property in the development group’s plan to expand their planned housing development.
  • Looking back several years, #4 and #5 Militia Drive sold for around $4.2 million. In the current commercial real estate market, best estimates are that our 3 Militia building would be worth around $3.5 million as a standalone sale. The developers are offering us $6.9 million.
Are we selling because we need the money?
  • No; Grace Chapel’s financial situation is strong. Prior to receiving an offer, we were not actively seeking to sell any of our properties.
  • We own buildings because they facilitate ministry activity. Our primary purpose with any spaces we own is to offer ministry to our surrounding communities. This allows us to shift our resources from office space to ministry space and impact. 
  • Good stewardship of our resources means we do the best we can to optimize what own, including real estate.
What will we use the money for?
  • The proceeds from the sale of the property will be used for capital expenditures, not for ongoing support of our normal ministry functions. Good stewardship principles dictate that sustainable support for ongoing ministry comes through our regular sources of income, which includes general fund giving and rentals.
  • While a small portion of the proceeds from the sale will go into a reserve fund, our intended plan is to allocate the bulk of the money into strategic and timely projects that fall into four categories: Growth, Ministry, Capital Expenditures, and Office Relocation.
    • Growth Initiatives, including outreach ministries, Connection Centers, etc.
    • Ministry Upgrades, including meeting spaces, Campus improvements, Mission Partner Capital Project, etc.
    • Long-term Financial Stability, including Reserve Fund and Long Term Capital Expenditures
    • Office Relocation for Central and Lexington-based staff to #2 Militia Drive and #59 Worthen Road.
What is the timeline for this transaction?

While the purchase and sale agreement will be signed in early December, the closing on the transaction will not happen until February of 2025. Part of the transaction includes a zero-cost leaseback that allows our staff to remain in our offices rent-free for a year after the closing date that extends into February 2026.

Will there be any special governance of the funds to prevent the non-reserve money from going into operating income?
  • The intended use for the money is for areas outside of the operational budget. Our giving from the congregation is the best way to support our operational needs in an ongoing sustainable budget. We will have ongoing oversight from the Board of Elders and input from the finance committee to help best utilize these funds.
What portion will go into reserve? How important was the paycheck protection program to staying afloat back in 2020?
  • We were able to leverage the PPP and the Employee Retention Credit based on our ability to keep staff employed through the pandemic. It was an important supplement to our operational budget as we rebuild our stewardship and giving across the congregation.
  • We do anticipate using a portion to supplement a reserve fund and provide some funds for future needs that could be aligned with growth initiatives in the early years of a new senior pastor.
Will a portion of the proceeds from the sale go towards missions?
  • Missions is funded through our operational budget as the amount given directly to missions doesn’t cover the much larger amount we actually give to our partners and other programs in support of our missions’ strategy. The Missions budget is provided to us from the Missions Ministry leadership each year with guidance from the Board of Elders, and includes areas of local missional support through Community Engagement across our campuses.
  • That said, we are working with Pastor Jeanette Yep on the potential to support a Mission Partners Capital Project as that would align with our intended use of the funds. 
Will transforming 2 Militia Drive and some of our main building at 59 Worthen Road into office space negatively impact Sunday ministry?
  • Quite the opposite, actually. The renovations to 2 Militia Drive and 59 Worthen Road provide the opportunity to create more efficient working spaces for staff and include updated meeting spaces that serve staff, ministry teams, and groups. We’re excited about offering improved on-campus meeting spaces that serve ministry on Sundays and throughout the week!
What’s the impact on the parking situation at our Lexington campus on Sunday mornings and for large events?
  • Parking at the Lexington campus has historically been a challenge, but the reality is that we’re only losing about 35 spaces at 3 Militia Drive. We’ve communicated to our congregation through announcements and eNews that we do not currently have authorization to park at #4 and #5 Militia Drive on Sundays (though it appears some people still do), but we have negotiated for 35 spots as part of a parking easement to support the need as parking demand grows along with attendance.
  • • We will continue to review other options for longer term parking solutions to meet our future needs and for special events.
Current reports in the news seem to indicate that working from home is not as productive as in office. It might seem ok for now, but what happens if it becomes essential for collaboration or productivity to return to work on site?
  • We had a flexible work environment long before the pandemic accelerated the work from home trends. It’s more common for our staff to go meet with people where they are than have people come to our offices. We have required office meeting days for most staff (with flexibility of course), but we see most people spending those days in meetings with their peers or others versus core office time.
  • We believe that a collaborative work environment with spaces designed for teamwork and supported with the right technology will create a better, more productive work environment for all.
How much space at 59 Worthen Road will be rehabbed for Office use? Will that compromise the amount of space available for future ministry activities, for example discipleship classes or next gen ministry?
  • We are still working on those elements with some help from a group of volunteers that do this kind of design work professionally.
  • We hope to have all Lexington Kidstown spaces downstairs in Kidstown as would be most people’s preference and much better for security. That shift will allow us to designate some space for a few offices and some open staff work space at 59 Worthen Road.
  • We also will continue with our emphasis on adult discipleship, using renovated space at 2 Militia Drive or any of the 14 classrooms on the top floor of 59 Worthen Road that are not being utilized on Sunday mornings. We’re in the process of exploring potential class sizes and technology needs for those spaces and creating a plan to best serve the needs of discipleship and other ministries now, and in the future. This work is just beginning.
Will a portion of the proceeds go to debt paydown or payoff?
    • We re-financed our debt in April of 2022 and have all our debt at 3.5% fixed rate loans through 2027. So, we are working with the finance committee on the options to pay down some of our debt or other financial options due to our low interest rate. Our audit firm advises us that our debt is low for a church of our size, which is a good thing, and also part of our consideration.

Still have questions? Use the form below or send an email to and we’ll be in touch soon.

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3 Militia Drive Building Sale Questions

Have questions, comments or concerns? Let us know and we'll be in touch with you soon.